Null Errors :: 0x10

Back to the wonderful world of "Exactly right except for a single keystroke" we go.

If it was written correctly, this program would output a random number between 5 and 500. But due to a typo, it'll fail to behave as expected.

@running_total = 0

5.times { @running_total += rand(1..100) }

p @running_t0tal

(1) If the code was run as-is, what will the output be?

# [ANSWER 1] #


(2) If the same typo was present but the running total was stored in a local variable instead of an instance variable, would you get the same result, or would the program behavior change?

# [ANSWER 2] #

The program would crash (raising a NameError) with the message:
"undefined local variable or method 'running_t0tal' for main"

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