Syntax Errors :: 0x03

At first glance, nothing looks weird about how the following program is colorized.

But continuing on a theme, a botched auto-completion on a single line of its code has broken things in a way that will cause it to crash before it ever gets a chance to run:

class Bag
  def initialize
    @items = []

  def add_item(item)

  def take_item

bag =


p bag.take_item

(1) Where is the broken line of code and how would you fix it?

# [ANSWER 1] #

   The `add_item` method is missing an `end` keyword, which was accidentally
   written as `else` instead.

(2) If this code is run as-is, Ruby will report both the problematic line that needs fixing, as well as another syntax error elsewhere in the code. What causes that to happen?

# [ANSWER 2] #

     Ruby does not stop trying to parse the method definition for `add_item`
     when it hits the line with the `else` keyword on it, but instead
     keeps going as if the `take_item` method definition had been nested inside it.

     This makes it so that the end that was meant to close the `Bag` class
     definition is treated as if it is the end of the `add_item` method instead,
     and all the code that follows is still inside the `Bag` class definition.

     So in addition to the error about the misplaced `else` keyword, you end up
     getting an error that the parser reached the end of the file without finding
     an `end` for the `Bag` class definition.

Hint: Understanding what the Bag object is and how it is used in this example program *won't* help you answer these questions. However, if you focus on reading the code one color at a time rather than one line at a time, the bug will likely jump straight out at you.

Related Notes :: 0xF003