Why go bug hunting?
Your own fingertips provide a free lifetime supply of software bugs to find and fix.
So why go out of your way and search for more?
Because deliberate practice1 works. And anything you do often is worth doing well.
The exercises in this guidebook are designed to help you:
Practice troubleshooting and repair in a non-urgent setting.
Notice patterns that are often missed in just-in-time problem solving mode.
Sight read code well enough to build mental models without relying on guesswork.
Identify sources of friction in your debugging process that can be overcome with practice.
Each exercise you complete will fine-tune your tactics for finding and fixing software defects.
Working through the set as a whole will give you a sense of what you already know, and where you have room to grow.
And if it does its job well, this guidebook will also reconnect you with the curiosity that is the hallmark of a Beginner's Mind.